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Xbox One Modded Controllers - Call Of Duty Controller Mods - Ps4 Modded Controllers

Welcome to ModsRus Mods

About Mod Controllers

Modded controllers were born during the release of the Xbox 360 and ps3 consoles into the market. Now that the xbox one and ps4 consoles are out on the market today people are already aware that they can have mod controllers for the next generation gaming systems.

Modded controllers were created in order to give you a advantage over your opponents in first person shooters like call of duty. You can also perform actions quicker and shoot at fast fire rates with rapid fire.

Its A Leprechaun - Its A Zombie - Its A Nazi Zombie Leprechaun

Modsrus Modded controllers
Its A Leprechaun - Its A Zombie - Its A Nazi Zombie Leprechaun
Its A Leprechaun No Its A Nazi Zombie Leprechaun

grab a few drinks and gear up for the big St. Patricks Day get together now in Cod: WW2. The special games aren’t just limited to multiplayer the enjoyable extends all the approach to the three latest Nazi Zombies modes. Operation: Shamrock will be available from March 15-April 3, and in that point, you’ll be able to earn three new unique weapon camos.

New unlockable customization is cool but even greater are the sparkling Easter eggs. sure theres a brand new boss and the end of the rainbow, and this Leprechaun incorporates a pot of gold for any person inclined to hunt him down. To summon the zombie critter you will need to donate facets to 4 different 4-leaf clovers hidden in every map. Defeating the Leprechaun boss by Discovering all the clovers first.

The particular ‘Operation: Shamrock’ event provides Easter eggs to all three maps that can be found now  The remaining Reich, Grousten Haus, and The Darkest Shore. On each of those maps, you’ll find a small Easter egg quest that unlocks new camos one camo for each map. Pay attention the brand new Leprechaun Zombie boss! It’s a literal, tiny zombie with a pink beard and stunning green outfits. He looks in all three maps throughout the event. The Operation Shamrock experience begins on March fifteenth and ends on April third, so get into these maps and check out the adventure before it’s too late.









Why Using Rapid Fire Can Give You An Edge In Shooter Video Games
Why Using Rapid Fire Can Give You An Edge In Shooter Video Games

While we love to play games here at Mods “R” Us, we, of course, specialize in creating controllers that are going to give you a real edge when you are playing Call Of Duty, Gears Of War, Battlefield, Halo or whatever your favorite shooter is

Over the next few weeks, we are using our blog as a way to show you how certain features of our Xbox One and PlayStation 4 controllers can make you a better player. All our PlayStation 4 and Xbox One controllers have the same awesome features so no one misses out.

Rapid Fire is what we are talking about today. To start with, Rapid Fire like the rest of our mods is very easy to turn on. Once it is on, you will find that your rate of fire is much more increased. At first, you may think, how much better is this going to make me? However, Rapid Fire has proven to be one of the most popular mods that our controllers have.

Let’s take a game like Call Of Duty, for example, no matter if it is Call Of Duty WWII, Infinite Warfare, Black Ops III or whatever. When you have the Rapid Fire mod on your controller, you can shoot so much quicker. It makes taking down enemies a lot easier and another plus side is that it is really fun and makes you feel like a total badass.

The extra bit of speed that the Rapid Fire mod gives you will always make sure that when you are running around a map and come head to head with another player, that you will be the one who comes out on top as there is no way they can shoot as quick as you can.

If you have any questions about how any of our mods, like Rapid Fire actually work just shoot as a message as we would love to talk to you about it.

PUBG Mobile Fixes For "PUBG Mobile" Error Message

PUBG Mobile has released in the U.S.A & Europe without many problems  some of the PUBG players are having trouble with a internet error message while the game is booting/loading. If seen the message below on an Android or iOS device we can help you fix it permanently.
This error message says "PUBG MOBILE" a VPN should fix the problem.
How To fix "PUBG MOBILE" error.

Follow the steps below

*Go to Google Play or App Store & download Opera Free VPN

*Once its open click the "Connect" button to connect to the VPN.

*You will automatically connect to a VPN dont change any settings here.

*Then close all apps then restart PUBG and start playing the game problem is now fixed.


New Overwatch Skins Require Their Own Currency

New Overwatch Skins Require Their Own Currency!

We are huge fans of Overwatch and consider it to be one of the better first person shooters released the last few years. While it may have really thrust the whole loot box thing into the mainstream, many feel that Blizzard do it in a way fairer than most.
Well with Overwatch becoming more and more popular as an ESport, Blizzard has announced that Overwatch League Skins will be coming to the game. In case you did not know, this was Blizzard's idea to make Overwatch more watchable as an ESport, by allowing a team to have their own color and logos on their characters. It is a pretty neat idea and Blizzard have said that these skins will be coming to Overwatch for regular players to enjoy.

Interestingly though, you will not be getting these Overwatch League Skins by opening a loot box like you might expect. Instead, you will be having to use a new form of currency called League Tokens, as far as we know, League Tokens only purpose in the game will be to buy these Overwatch League skins. Some people are not happy about this new currency, but we feel it is the best way to handle this. Just imagine if you have zero interest in ESports, open a loot box and instead of getting that awesome Soldier 76 skin you have been wanting for ages, you get some random ESports team skin that you have never heard of!

All the details have not yet been given, but we do know that when the system launches, Blizzard is giving all players enough League Tokens to buy one Overwatch League Skin so at least we can all see what the fuss is about. 

New Overwatch Skins, New Overwatch Skins Require Their Own Currency, Overwatch Xbox One

Sniper Breath Mod Makes Being A Sniper Easier And More Fun
Sniper Breath Mod Makes Being A Sniper Easier And More FunSniper Breath Mod Makes Being A Sniper...

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