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Xbox One Modded Controllers - Call Of Duty Controller Mods - Ps4 Modded Controllers

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About Mod Controllers

Modded controllers were born during the release of the Xbox 360 and ps3 consoles into the market. Now that the xbox one and ps4 consoles are out on the market today people are already aware that they can have mod controllers for the next generation gaming systems.

Modded controllers were created in order to give you a advantage over your opponents in first person shooters like call of duty. You can also perform actions quicker and shoot at fast fire rates with rapid fire.

Are Throwing Knives In Battlefield V Awesome or Annoying

Are Throwing Knives In Battlefield V Awesome or Annoying?

Thanks to Red Dead Redemption II, I have not spent as much time with Battlefield V as I would have liked. Still, what I have played I have enjoyed and thanks to the folks at Kotaku and an article they wrote. I have actually been having a blast playing it over the weekend thanks to throwing knives!

That is right throwing knives. These can only be used by the Recon class. A class that as its main form of attack is the sniper rifle is one I would never normally use as I am horrible at long range. However, the Recon Class in Battlefield V also gets to use throwing knives which are basically there so they have some kind of close range attack.

What is causing a buzz about these is how powerful they are. At a distance they do not do much damage, at close range these throwing knives can be a one hit kill! It is so much fun when you get the hang of running around or hiding with the button held and then releasing it at just the right time and getting that one hit kill. There are videos on YouTube dedicated to this. People play like they are John Wick just taking people down left and right with their throwing knives.

I personally have no problem with this as it is not like you have unlimited throwing knives and it takes a lot of skill to pull it off. Some folks though say it is unfair how these can most of the time serve as a one-hit kill. I can kind of see that point of view, but the amount of players I have come across who can take out a whole squad (which is something you can see on YouTube) is very small, but I am actually impressed when I do.

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