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About Mod Controllers

Modded controllers were born during the release of the Xbox 360 and ps3 consoles into the market. Now that the xbox one and ps4 consoles are out on the market today people are already aware that they can have mod controllers for the next generation gaming systems.

Modded controllers were created in order to give you a advantage over your opponents in first person shooters like call of duty. You can also perform actions quicker and shoot at fast fire rates with rapid fire.

How To Be Better At Call Of Duty WWII Zombies!

How To Be Better At Call Of Duty WWII Zombies!

modded controllers call of duty ww2  

We love the more horror approach to zombies mode in Call Of Duty WWII and today we have some fantastic tips to help you guys last longer and not get turned into zombie food!

Working As A Team

First of all let's discuss teamwork in Nazi Zombies. Many people like to run around like a lone wolf, but each wave gets harder and harder and if you really want to get far without dying a million times, you have to work as a team. We are not just talking about watching each other’s backs but taking on an actual role. For example, if one of you guys is using free fire another one should be using camouflage. Think about how the loadout you are selecting is going to benefit the team and not just yourself.

Know When To Cut And Run!

You are no good to your team dead and while we would always suggest that you do your part to help your teammates stay alive, the fact is sometimes there is nothing you can do. Sometimes you just have to run away and take a breath and hope that they come back, sometimes you have to be that little bit selfish and take a weapon, power up or whatever for yourself as your own survival depends on it. So while we think that Nazi Zombies in Call Of Duty WWII is at its best when you work as a team. You still have to watch your own butt!

We think that Call Of Duty WWII has one of the best zombies modes in years and we hope that these tips will change the way you think before your next attempt to make it to the end! 

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